Sunday, November 28, 2010

Melissa's Visit

Hey Everyone!

I hope your Thanksgiving was great!

I just wanted to fill you in on a few things that happened the last week in Uganda. My cousin Melissa came the last week that I was there. It was wonderful to have her there. She did a 3 day physical therapy seminar at the clinic. It was so fun to see the clinic staff practice on each other.

Jane checking rotation

Acrid attempting to touch his toes...We found out that Ugandans are very stiff.
Melissa demonstrating the seated slump test
Little Faith practicing the Sacral Spring Test on Joakim (sp)

Then she went to Home Again Orphanage and helped teach some of the older girls so that they can help some of the kids who are physically challenged.

Playing on the ball

Joyce and Baby Paige

Then we also went to visit Robert, a young man who was hit by a car back in July, and give him some strengthening exercises.

Robert doing heel raises...they were very difficult for him.

Robert doing front extensions

I had a great time showing Melissa the village and having her meet all the people that have become a part of my live. It was such a great experience to share with her.

Talk to again soon!

La Gringa

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hey Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!

I just wanted to let you know that we're home and doing great. I will post a few more blogs about the last week there and the trip home with in a week. Thank you all for your prayers and support.

It's great to be home!

La Gringa

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hey Everyone!

I'm sorry that I haven't updated the blog for a while. I've been busy trying to finish my to do list before my cousin, Melissa, comes this weekend. It seems, I've been busy in every way.

The rainy season is in full swing, frustrating life and at the same time causing new life to grow. I find it fascinating every time I walk by a crop of corn; it grows like a foot over night. I also find it annoying, every night when I turn on my reading light, I'm constantly swatting at the baby insects that are so small they fit through the mesh of my mosquito net. Hahaha...I'm tired of them flying up my nose or in my eyes, but I refuse to give up reading at night.

Because the rainy season is in full swing, that, as I recently found out, means that I get to walk to Dorcas. It's easier for me to walk through the mud than to dig the car out when it gets stuck. But my walking has not been in vain; I've learned a valuable lesson along the way...if you walk in the grass between the 2 ruts, you don't get so muddy, AND you are less likely to slip and fall on your butt. Words of wisdom.

Pajero stuck in some ladies sweet potato patch.
Anyway, this last week we also inaugurated our earthen oven. We made flat bread and pizza in it. The pizza was a little doughy in the middle so we had to put it in the gas cooker for a few minutes to finish it. But the flavor was awesome! We'll get it right next time.

Italian style flat bread

Pepperoni Pizza...MMmmmm

My class has also been busy with their final exams. The term is not over, but because I'm going home, I had to administer my exams early. The girls took their theory exams last week, and are in the middle of their practicals this week. So far, they have done very well; I'm excited to see the progress that they've made.

Making Banana Bread

Making Chocolate Chip Cookies

I look forward to being home soon, but I will miss the girls and the excitement for learning that they have. Talk to you again soon.

La Gringa